Rendevu Policies & Procedures

The following policies and procedures serve as the outline of the rights of both the Company and its Independent Marketing Representatives (IMR) and are referenced in and are an integral part of the Independent Marketing Representative Agreement. They are to serve as guidelines for the establishment and maintenance of a productive, efficient business operation. Rendevu, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Company" is an equal opportunity company and honors all rules and regulations governing marketing enterprises and private sector business organizations as defined by federal, state, and local authorities.

1. One Representative Rule
One Independent Representative Agreement per person or business is allowed. Corporate and partnership participation is permitted, but no Independent Marketing Representative may own any interest in such a distributorship in addition to a personal distributorship.

2. Correct Information
Information entered on the Application for the Company's services must be absolutely correct and legible. It is Independent Representative's responsibility to verify the accuracy of all information on your new representatives and your personally signed customers. We encourage all IMR's to ensure that they submit accurate information and help to offset costs the Company's incurs in processing additional paperwork.

3. Territorial Limits
The Company recognizes no territorial limits. As a Independent Marketing Representative you may sign up members and sponsor other representatives anywhere within the continental United States.

4. Amendments
In order to sustain a viable marketing company, the Company specifically reserves the right to make amendments or adjustments as it deems necessary with respect to policies and procedures, the marketing and compensation plan or pricing. Upon written notification, any such changes are incorporated as part of this agreement between the Company and its Independent Representatives.

5. Channels of Communication
Independent Representatives are responsible for answering questions from those Independent Representatives that you personally sponsor into the organization. If you, as the sponsoring Independent Representatives, don’t know the answer, you should ask your own sponsor. If your sponsor is not available, you should contact your next upline sponsor. This order of communication has been established to allow efficient corporate operations. Please follow this procedure.

6. Income Representation
It is unlawful to make false statements or misleading representations as to potential income, and the Company has a clear policy against such misrepresentations.

7. Product Claims
The information on the Company’s products and services and the marketing opportunity stated in official Company literature and training materials are the only claims allowed. The Company insists on very rigid adherence to this policy and tolerates no false or misleading claims or representations.

8. Ethics
The Company conducts business in an ethical and credible manner, and expects its Independent Representatives to deal ethically with their customers, with each other, and with the Company. Even though the line between aggressive marketing efforts and unethical behavior can be vague for some people, The Company will tolerate no unethical behavior or activity. The Company will intercede when unethical behavior is evident, and reserve the right to use its best judgment in deciding whether certain representative's activities are unethical and if determined to be so, to act accordingly.

Examples of unethical activity include:
A. Forging a signature on an application for service or Independent Representative Agreement.
B. Spreading rumors throughout the company with malicious intent.
C. Making false or misleading representations as to potential income, the actual use or effect of the Company's relationship with its suppliers, or any other untrue statement regarding the nature of Rendevu and its business operations.
D. Writing bad checks to the Company for marketing materials or other items.
E. Soliciting or accepting money from prospective customers for services other than those offered by the Company.

9. Changing Sponsors
Network marketing is a business of creating relationships. Once a new Independent Representative is sponsored, the Company believes in maximum protection of that relationship, so the changing of sponsors is not allowed. The only potential exceptions will be in the case of a Independent Representative using unethical means to sponsor someone, or in the case of a sponsor being terminated by the Company. In the case of the terminated sponsor, the upline sponsor automatically becomes the new sponsor. Otherwise, sponsor changing can be accomplished only by resigning and then waiting twelve (12) months prior to rejoining with a new sponsor. If the Company makes an exception, other than those stated above, the representative desiring the change will be charged a $100.00 minimum “sponsor change” fee.

10. Voluntary Termination
In the event that you choose to resign as a Independent Representative submit a signed letter of resignation to the Company. You’ll be eligible to reapply after 6 months. If you reapply before 12 months, you’ll be placed under your original sponsor. If you reapply after 12 months or later, you may do so under a new sponsor. Note that, in the event of termination (voluntary or involuntary), your downline organization will move up to the next upline distributor.

11. Duration & Inactive Status
Ongoing commissions are paid on all billed and collected revenue for as long as the customer remains a member of the network. Commissions are paid promptly each month on the 15th of the month based upon billed and collected revenue from the previous month’s services. The Company will provide the Independent Representative with a commissions report via the Internet along with each commission payment.

12. Taxes
Due to the fact that the Company's Independent Representatives are independent contractors, the Company deducts no taxes from commission payments. At the end of the calendar year, the Company provides (where applicable) to Independent Representatives and to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a 1099 form, which reports the total income paid to the Independent Representative by the Company.

13. Transfer
An Independent Representative’s downline organization may be transferred by sale or by request via a will. However, to protect the earning potential of the upline distributors, the Company reserves the right to approve or disapprove the new owner(s) as acceptable Independent Representatives. The Company must receive notification from your legal successor(s) within 60 days from death or all rights automatically revert to the Company.

14. Compliance
These policies and procedures were set up as guidelines to protect the rights of both the Companioned all Independent Representatives. Any violation could jeopardize certain aspects of the company’s business or that of a distributor, and therefore, will be considered extremely serious. If you violate any provision of Independent Representative Agreement, which includes all policies and procedures set forth herein, you’ll be subject to termination by the Company. Termination cancels any and all rights, and is effective upon Company verification of said violation(s) and notification of the offending Independent Representative(s). The Company may also place violators on probation for a period of time, which may result in ineligibility for advancement. Compliance with these policies and procedures enhances your achievement and provides a positive guide for continued success.


15. Monthly Commission Check
Commission checks are mailed monthly on the 15th of each month for the usage and collected revenue of the previous month. If the 15th is a weekend or holiday the checks will be mailed on the next business day.

16. Commissions
Independent Representatives may sign up as many new members and other Independent Representative as they wish. A Independent Representative must have at least three active Independent Representatives to qualify for the commissions through the first five levels of the Company's Compensation Plan and at least six (6) Independent Representatives to qualify for commissions through all eight levels of the Company's Compensation Plan. In addition to the sponsorship requirement, in order for an Independent Representative to qualify for commissions the group volume of thier "personally" sponsored group must equal a minimum of $50.00 (fifty dollars) per month. In any month the Independent Representative's Personal Group Volume does not equal a minimum of $50.00 the Independent Representive will be disqualified to receive commissions for that month.

17. Billing
The Company will automatically bill Independent Representatives for their marketing website on or around the monthly anniversary date of the thier execution of the Company's Independent Representative Agreement. The Company will automatically debit the Independent Representative's credit card, debit card, or bank account for the monthly fee.

18. Delinquent Accounts
If as a Independent Representatives your bill for hosting your deal and representative's website becomes 60 days or more past due you automatically forfeit all future rights to downline commissions. The Company'’s automatic monthly billing via credit or debit card will help insure that all bills are paid promptly.

Advertising & Promotions

19. Use of Company Name
The Company name, logo, and trademarks have been specifically created by the Company, and the Company solely reserves the right to use them to further its own business purposes. Except in advertising literature and other promotional materials, which have been designed and published by the Company, Independent Representatives are prohibited from using the Company name, logo, or trademarks in any form. The title “Independent Representative” must always accompany your name on all materials bearing the Company name, logo, or trademark.

20. Media Inquiries
Due to the ever-increasing public interest in Rendevu, individuals may be contacted and questioned by the media. In order to maintain accuracy and consistency of company image, as an Independent Representative, you are not authorized to represent the Company in any way with the media. If the media contacts you, you must refer all media inquiries (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, Internet, or any other periodicals or media) directly to the Company’s corporate headquarters.

21. Media Placement
Under no circumstances may an Independent Representative place any media ads or promotions of any nature containing the name, initials, or logo of the Company. Violation of this policy is considered serious and will result in termination.

22. Promotional Materials
Independent Representatives may use only company produced literature. Under no circumstances may Independent Representatives produce or design materials of any kind for use in the marketing of Independent Representatives’s products or services without prior approval of such materials in writing by the company. Lack of such written approval will be treated as evidence that no such approval was given and will result in termination of the Independent Representative.

Ordering & Shipping Information

For more efficient processing of orders and better service, follow these guidelines when ordering promotional materials from Company's corporate offices.

23. Form of Payment
The Company will not ship C.O.D. (cash on delivery). All orders ($10.00 minimum) must be prepaid with a credit card, personal check, cashiers check, or money order. All forms of payment are to be made payable to Rendevu, Inc. Shipping Addresses Shipments are made only to street addresses. Deliveries cannot be made to a PO Box or General Delivery.

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